strawberrys wrote in wild_plums Aug 16, 2012 02:01
style: humorous, stock: travel, stock: food and drink, style: cutesy icons, * banners, stock: flowers, other: rilakkuma, other: hello kitty, typography: foreigen lanugage, other: kpop, animated
strawberrys wrote in wild_plums May 23, 2012 16:02
stock: electronics, stock: cosmetics, style:geeky, stock: food and drink, games: all gaming, stock: journaling, style: cutesy icons, stock: sweets, stock: books, stock: coffee / tea, stock: flowers, other: rilakkuma, typography: foreigen lanugage, other: hello kitty
strawberrys wrote in wild_plums Oct 23, 2011 16:09
style: holidays, stock: lights / candles, style: cutesy icons, typography, style: dark icons, stock: black & white, other: hello kitty, typography: foreigen lanugage
strawberrys wrote in wild_plums Aug 02, 2011 20:00
style: humorous, stock: women, stock: cosmetics, other: disney, stock: alcohol, stock: food and drink, style: cutesy icons, typography, stock: glitter, other: hello kitty
strawberrys wrote in wild_plums Jan 12, 2011 00:15
stock: coffee / tea, stock: food and drink, style: cutesy icons, other: hello kitty, stock: sweets